The Unexpected Everything
Nome do livro: The Unexpected Everything
(Sem edição em português)
Nome da Autora: Morgan Matson
Editora: Simon & Schuster
Número de páginas: 519 páginas
Sinopse: «Andie had it all planned out. When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future. Important internship? Check. Amazing friends? Check. Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks).
But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life. Because here’s the thing—if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected. And where’s the fun in that? »
Fiquei a conhecer este livro e esta autora através do booktube internacional e tenho realmente pena de as editoras portuguesas não apostarem nesta autora.
O livro acompanha Andie, a filha de um político famoso, que um dia vê a sua vida virar completamente devido a um escândalo em que o seu pai se acaba por envolver. Como resultado disso, ela acaba por perder o seu conceituado estágio de verão, o que a leva, da forma mais engraçada possível, a passear cães.
A premissa do livro é exatamente o que acontece. Não temos grandes reviravoltas nem mistérios, no entanto, a história está tão bem construída que esse tipo de intervenções só iriam arruinar o livro.

Relativamente às personagens, devo dizer que adorei todas. São extremamente bem construídas, complexas e realistas. Assim como as relações entre elas o são, o que foi um grande ponto a favor do livro, sendo que nos é apresentada uma amizade extremamente forte e que nos proporciona momentos muito engraçados. O único momento que acabou por me irritar um bocado foi mesmo o facto de que a Andie nem sempre diz o que verdadeiramente pensa e acaba por arranjar problemas com isso. Já a relação que vai surgindo entre ela e o pai vai-se desenvolvendo de uma maneira muito boa.
Além disso, temos, obviamente, os romances mais fofos possíveis.
Sendo a premissa algo tão simples e este um livro tão grande, como podem perceber, as coisas vão acabar por se ir desenrolando com calma, o que também foi um ponto bastante favorável uma vez que aqui se lida com tópicos complexos, ou seja, a autora dá-se tempo às personagens de se aproximarem e de terem a certeza do que sentem.
Também por este motivo referido anteriormente, não há muito mais que possa dizer do livro que não seja spoilers.
Relativamente à questão mais estética, além da linda capa (não apenas desta edição mas de todas as que foram lançadas deste livro), tenho de realçar o facto de que quando as pessoas do livro conversam por mensagens, aparece verdadeiramente os balões de mensagem que aparece nos telemóveis e os emojis, o que dá um efeito ainda mais realista à história.
Quanto ao final, e apesar de nem todas as personagens terem recebido o fim que eu gostava, eu adorei e vou, sem dúvida nenhuma, ler outro livro da autora no futuro.
Assim sendo, obviamente que recomendo.
Boas leituras.
(4.5 em 5 estrelas)
«That is where you are mistaken. Believing that such a thing - just a kiss - has ever, for even a second, existed in this world.» - Página 265
«"Oh," the old man said, with a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of his being. "I forget you’re still young yet." He coughed then, a dry, rattling sound. "Sometimes we get a little bit of a facade. We think we have people. Family, friends . . . but in the end, it’s just you and the darkness. Everyone leaves eventually, my young friend. It’s better, really, to learn it early. This way, you can save yourself some disappointment." He sighed then and slumped back against the wall once more. "Because believing you’re not alone is the cruelest trick of all."» - Página 435
The Unexpected Everything
Original Title: The Unexpected Everything
Author: Morgan Matson
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 519 pages
Synopsis: «Andie had it all planned out. When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future. Important internship? Check. Amazing friends? Check. Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks).
But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life. Because here’s the thing—if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected. And where’s the fun in that? »
(Please be aware that the following text has not been revised yet)
I found out about this book and this author on international
booktube and, unfortunately, Portuguese publishers haven’t seen, yet, the
potential of this book.
In The Unexpected Everything we follow Andie,
the daughter of a prestigious political, whom life turns upside down one day
because of a scandal she sees her father get evolved in. As a result of that, Andie loses the
prestigious internship she had for the summer, what takes her, in the funniest
way possible, to be a dog walker.
The premise of the book is exactly what
happens. There’s not a big plot twist or a mystery, however, the story is so
well built that it would end up ruining it.
About the characters, I must say that I loved
them all. They are all extremely well created,
complex and realistic. As well as the relationships between them, what was a
big point in favor of this book, especially because we are presented with a strong friendship that
stars really funny moments. The only moment that end up annoying me a little
bit was the fact that Andie not always says what she really thinks, what ends
up creating unnecessary problems. On other positive note, the relationship that
emerges between her and the father is developed in a very good way.
Obviously, we also have the cutest romances ever.
Being the premise something so simple and being this book so big, the story
ends up developing in a really calm way, what ended up being also a positive
point since this book deals with really complex topics, that is, the author
gave time to the characters to approach each other and be sure of what they’re
Also because of that, I can’t say much more without being considered
About the most aesthetic part of the book,
besides the beautiful cover (not only of this edition but of every one released
by the publisher), I have to highlight the fact that when the characters are exchanging
messages, we have the conversations on the pages as if it was actually prints
of the actual conversation, what gave a more realistic aspect to the book.
Regarding the ending, and although not all the
characters have received the end that I would like, I loved and I will, with no
doubt, read another book from this author in the future.
On that note, I obviously recommend it.
Good readings.

(4.5 out of 5 stars)
«That is where you are mistaken. Believing that such a thing - just a kiss - has ever, for even a second, existed in this world.» - Page 265
«"Oh," the old man said, with a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of his being. "I forget you’re still young yet." He coughed then, a dry, rattling sound. "Sometimes we get a little bit of a facade. We think we have people. Family, friends . . . but in the end, it’s just you and the darkness. Everyone leaves eventually, my young friend. It’s better, really, to learn it early. This way, you can save yourself some disappointment." He sighed then and slumped back against the wall once more. "Because believing you’re not alone is the cruelest trick of all."» - Page 435
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