Prodigy Prince
Nome do livro: Prodigy Prince
Nome da Autora: Natasha Sapienza
Coleção: The Seven Covenant
Editora: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Número de páginas: 334 páginas
Sinopse: «Prodigy Prince is the first novel in YA high-fantasy trilogy, the Seven Covenant. At seventeen, all Prince Nuelle had ever known was safety and peace while living in the Supreme Palace of Zephoris. But one night, his older brother, Tane, defies their father by traveling to a cursed land. Now Nuelle holds the signet-ring and carries more responsibility than even Tane bore. Thrust from the palace and sent to a knight-building academy, Nuelle must discover his purpose for the entire kingdom's sake. From his place of banishment, Prince Antikai has been exacting revenge through fear and rebellions. Nuelle has the potential to defeat him, but he needs the help of a powerful book called the Acumen, and six gifted youths. Summoned by Antikai, shape-shifting beasts and other enemies hunt Nuelle and the Acumen. If either is destroyed, the faithful citizens in Zephoris will perish, and darkness will rule forever. »

Este livro chamou-me a atenção no momento em que vi a capa. Mal li a premissa, soube que tinha de ler.
Em Prodigy Prince seguimos o príncipe Nuelle, de 17 anos, que, sem estar à espera, é enviado pelo pai para uma escola com o objetivo de ele se tornar um cavaleiro. No entanto, ao mesmo tempo, ele tem de procurar seguir as previsões do pai de modo a salvar o reino e a população das mãos do príncipe Antikai que procura destruir o pai de Nuelle e tudo o que ele criou. Para isso, precisa de encontrar seis companheiros capazes de dar a vida por ele e ultrapassar diversos obstáculos.
Eu queria muito gostar deste livro, no entanto, a minha relação com ele foi extremamente complicada. Houveram diversos aspetos que adorei e uns quantos que realmente não gostei.
O que mais gostei em todo o livro foi, sem dúvida nenhuma, da construção do mundo. O mundo, a sua divisão, o funcionamento de tudo e o próprio sistema de magia foram extremamente bem construídos e é nítido que a autora dedicou bastante tempo na sua criação, e conseguiu um ótimo resultado.
No entanto, um dos meus problemas foi exatamente logo no início do livro quando somos introduzidos a este mundo do nada. A história começa de uma forma um pouco confusa onde caímos diretamente no meio de um diálogo entre personagens sem saber quem elas são ou o que se está a passar. Este problema acaba por ser resolvido após o prólogo quando a autora nos introduz verdadeiramente ao mundo.
Outros pontos que gostei e que convém destacar foram que, apesar de encontrarmos elementos românticos na história, não se trata de nada em exagero que tire o foco à ação principal; a escrita da autora foi também ela muito boa e fácil de compreender; e temos ainda diversas frases que eu gostei bastante.
Quanto às personagens, em geral gostei bastante do Nuelle e do seu melhor amigo, Ave. No que diz respeito ao resto das sentinelas, a Elisena e a Sophana irritaram-me algumas vezes, por motivos diferentes, mas o Riff, uma personagem extremamente engraçada, compensou.
Ainda relativamente a esta questão, gostei bastante das amizades que nos são apresentadas no livro e do fortalecimento das mesmas a que assistimos. No entanto, tive um problema com as atitudes das personagens uma vez que, para pessoas supostamente tão bem treinadas e com uma missão tão importante, eles acabam por ser descuidadas diversas vezes.
Um dos meus maiores problemas com o livro foi mesmo porque estava a receber vibes de fantasia juvenil e, do nada, é nos introduzido um tema extremamente pesado que, além de cortar um pouco o efeito do livro, foi resolvido demasiado rápido e de uma forma, a meus olhos, irrealista.
Tive ainda o problema de que acontecia demasiadas coisas em poucas páginas e de que os capítulos eram enormes (por norma rondavam as 20 páginas), o que acaba por arrastar o ritmo de leitura, especialmente para quem está a ler por ebook.
Assim sendo, em geral, gostei do livro, especialmente da construção do mundo, apesar de ter havido pormenores que poderiam, na minha opinião, ter sido melhorados. No entanto, a autora tem tudo para que o 2º livro da série seja ainda melhor. E é, em geral, um livro que recomendo.
Boas leituras.
(3 em 5 estrelas)
"Your words speak of victory, but your heart has already been defeated." - Página 17
"There are worst enemies than fear." - Página 40
"And pride comes before a fall." - Página 87
"Darkness is like a disease. It infects slowly, often times unbeknownst to the infected. From evil thoughts it spreads to the heart, where wickedness and every lawlessness is birthed. Those under its gloom are blind; they walk and are unaware of what makes them stumble. Though they believe they are free, shackles bind their hands and feet. Though they think they are liberated, truly, they are slaves to whatever—or whoever—controls them." - Página 92
"Darkness is funny like that. The less you see, the better things look." - Página 257
Prodigy Prince
Original Title: Prodigy Prince
Author: Natasha Sapienza
Series: The Seven Covenant
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pages: 334 pages
Synopsis: «Prodigy Prince is the first novel in YA high-fantasy trilogy, the Seven Covenant. At seventeen, all Prince Nuelle had ever known was safety and peace while living in the Supreme Palace of Zephoris. But one night, his older brother, Tane, defies their father by traveling to a cursed land. Now Nuelle holds the signet-ring and carries more responsibility than even Tane bore. Thrust from the palace and sent to a knight-building academy, Nuelle must discover his purpose for the entire kingdom's sake. From his place of banishment, Prince Antikai has been exacting revenge through fear and rebellions. Nuelle has the potential to defeat him, but he needs the help of a powerful book called the Acumen, and six gifted youths. Summoned by Antikai, shape-shifting beasts and other enemies hunt Nuelle and the Acumen. If either is destroyed, the faithful citizens in Zephoris will perish, and darkness will rule forever. »

This book caught my attention the moment I saw the cover. As soon as I read the premise, I knew I had to read it.
In Prodigy Prince we follow Prince Nuelle, who is sent by his father, without warning, to a school with the aim of becoming a knight. However, at the same time he has to seek to follow his father's predictions in order to save the kingdom and the population from the hands of Prince Antikai who seeks to destroy Nuelle's father and all that he has created. To do this, Nuelle needs to find six companions who are willing to give their lives for him and, together, they need to overcome various obstacles.
I really wanted to like this book, however, my relationship with it was extremely complicated. There are several aspects that I love and a few that I really don't like.
What I liked the most throughout the book was, undoubtedly, the world building. The world, its division, the functioning of everything, and the magic system itself were extremely well built and you can see that the author devoted a big amount of time to its creation and achieved a great result.
However, one of my problems with the book was right at the very beginning when we are introduced to this world out of nowhere. The story begins in a somewhat confusing way where we fall directly in the middle of a dialogue between characters without knowing who they are or what is happening. This problem ends up being solved after the prologue when the author truly introduces us to the world.
Other points that I liked and that I need to highlight is that although we find romantic elements in the story, it doesn't take the focus of the main plot; also the author's writing was very good and easy to understand; and the book has several phrases that I liked a lot.
As for the characters, I liked Nuelle and his best friend, Ave. As far as the rest of the sentinels, Elisena and Sophana annoyed me sometimes, for different reasons, but Riff, an extremely funny character , compensated.
Still on this matter, I really liked the friendships that are presented to us in the book and the strengthening of the ones we have seen. However, I had a problem with the attitudes of the characters since, for supposedly so well trained people and with such an important mission, they end up being careless several times.
One of my biggest problems with the book was because I was receiving young fantasy vibes and, out of nowhere, we are introduced to an extremely heavy theme that, in addition to cutting off the effect of the book a bit, was solved too quickly and in a unrealistic way.
I still had the problem that too much was happening in just a few pages and that the chapters were huge (usually around 20 pages), what drags the pace of reading, especially for those who are reading in ebook.
So, in general, I liked the book, especially the world building, although there were details that could, in my opinion, have been improved. However, the author has everything to make the 2nd book in the series even better. And it is, in general, a book that I recommend.
Good readings.
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Your words speak of victory, but your heart has already been defeated." - Page 17
"There are worst enemies than fear." - Page 40
"And pride comes before a fall." - Page 87
"Darkness is like a disease. It infects slowly, often times unbeknownst to the infected. From evil thoughts it spreads to the heart, where wickedness and every lawlessness is birthed. Those under its gloom are blind; they walk and are unaware of what makes them stumble. Though they believe they are free, shackles bind their hands and feet. Though they think they are liberated, truly, they are slaves to whatever—or whoever—controls them." - Page 92
"Darkness is funny like that. The less you see, the better things look." - Page 257
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