How To Find Love in a Book Shop
Nome do livro: How To Find Love in a Book Shop
Nome da Autora: Veronica Henry
Editora: Orion Books
Número de páginas: 322 páginas
Sinopse: «Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers--a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father's death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia's loyal customers have become like family, and she can't imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive. There's Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the book shop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there's a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who runs a pop-up restaurant for two in her tiny cottage--she has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings. Enter the world of Nightingale Books for a serving of romance, long-held secrets, and unexpected hopes for the future--and not just within the pages on the shelves. How to Find Love in a Book shop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.»
Opinião: Como amante da leitura, fiquei
desde logo apaixonada pelo título, pela premissa e pela capa deste livro. Assim
sendo, decidi comprá-lo e lê-lo em inglês.
O livro How To Find Love in a
Book shop, acompanha a Emily, uma rapariga criada na pequena cidade de Peasebrook
onde o pai, amante de livros, tem uma livraria com uma grande importância na
cidade, a Nightingale Books, mas que, após a morte do pai, se encontra à beira
da ruina e que cabe a ela salvar, sendo que pelo caminho ela percebe o quanto a
livraria e o seu pai eram importantes para a comunidade de Peasebrook.
A história inicia-se com a morte
do pai da Emily e o seu regresso à cidade para tomar conta da livraria. E eu
realmente gostei do início, especialmente pela forma como as personagens lidam
com a dor, além de que foi bastante interessante ver como uma só pessoa pode
interferir com tantas vidas.

No entanto, os meus problemas com
o livro começaram ao fim de umas 20 páginas, quando a ação foi levada para
muitos anos antes quando o pai da Emily conheceu a sua mãe. Eu gostei muito do
pai da Emily mas não da mãe, ela pareceu-me ser uma personagem muito irreal que
arrastava o pai ela para tudo e achei que esta descrição do passado durante
demasiado tempo. Entretanto, voltamos a saltar para o presente e o meu amor
pelo livro recomeçou... até ao capítulo seguinte em que a autora voltou a mudar
o foco da história para outra personagem, o que, constantemente, torna-se
irritante e aborrecido. Esta mudança constante de personagem trouxe algo
positivo: focou no Dillan, uma personagem secundária por quem eu estava
realmente a torcer.
No entanto, por volta da página
120, o livro realmente recomeçou a compensar e a história melhorou e muito.
Mas o que realmente me fez dar
uma cotação tão alta que o livro foi o
facto de que a
autora conseguiu representar, de uma forma realista, a forma como uma pessoa
consegue interferir na vida dos outros.
No entanto, no final, achei que a
autora resolveu todos os problemas de uma vez, e teria preferido que ela os
tivesse resolvido ao longo do livro.
Quando ao
inglês, o livro corre bem e não há grandes dificuldades de vocabulário.
Em geral, foi um livro que gostei
muito e recomendo, apesar de ter encontrado falhas.
(4 em 5 estrelas)
Quotes/Melhores Momentos (traduzido do original)
- «Uma cidade sem uma livraria era uma cidade sem um coração.» - Página 4
- «Todos os diamantes do mundo não são nada em comparação. Os livros são mais preciosos do que jóias. (...) O que é que um diamante te traz? Um momento de clarão esplendoroso; um livro brilhará para sempre.» - Página 10
- «O pior tinha acontecido, a pior coisa possível, mas parecia que o mundo continuava a girar.» - Página 14
- «E se não conseguias manter o teu próprio segredo, como raio é que conseguias confiá-lo em alguém?» - Página 75
- «Há um livro para todos, mesmo que achem que não há. Um livro que te alcança e te agarra a alma.» - Página 118
- «No que lhe dizia respeito, a natureza seguia o seu curso, o Homem interferia de tempo a tempo e o que acontecia, acontecia. Nenhuma força maior tinha qualquer influência..» - Página 139
- «E era por isso que as pessoas liam, porque os livros explicam coisas: como pensas e como te comportas e fazem-te perceber que não estás sozinho no que estavas a fazer ou no que estavas a sentir. » - Página 259
How To Find Love in a Book Shop
Original Title: How To Find Love in a Book Shop
Author: Veronica Henry
Publisher: Orion Books
Pages: 322 pages
Synopsis: «Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers--a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father's death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia's loyal customers have become like family, and she can't imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive. There's Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the book shop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there's a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who runs a pop-up restaurant for two in her tiny cottage--she has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings. Enter the world of Nightingale Books for a serving of romance, long-held secrets, and unexpected hopes for the future--and not just within the pages on the shelves. How to Find Love in a Book shop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.»
Book Review: As a booklover, I was in love with the title, with the premise and the cover of this book. So, I decided to buy it and read it in English.
The book “How to Find Love in a Book shop” follows Emily, a girl raised in little town Peasebrook where her father, a booklover, has a very important book shop in town called Nightingale Books. When her father passes away, the book shop is on the edge of ruin and it’s up to her to save it, especially because her father and the book shop were very important for the community.
The story begins with the death of Emily’s father and her return to the city to take over the book shop. I really enjoyed the beginning, particularly the way the characters deal with the pain, plus it was very interesting to see how one person can affect so many lives.
However, my problems with the book started after around 20 pages, when the action was taken to many years before, when Emily’s father met her mother. I really liked Emily’s father, but her mother? Not so much. She seemed a very unreal character that dragged her father to everything. I felt that this description of the past was way too long. Meanwhile, we go back to the present and my love for the book began… until the next chapter, that is. The author tried to change the focus of the story to another character, which, if done constantly, becomes annoying and boring. This constant character change brought something positive, though. It gave some focus to Dillan, a supporting character for whom I was really rooting for.
Nonetheless, around page 120, the book really started to compensate the boring bits and the story got better.
But what made me give a really high mark to the book was the fact that the author was able to represent, in a realistic manner, the way someone can change someone’s life.
At the end, I thought that the author solved all the problems at the same time and I would have enjoyed it more if she had solved them throughout the book.
Overall, I really enjoyed the book and I vividly recommend it, despite its flaws.
(4 out of 5 stars)
- «A town without a book shop was a town without a heart.» - Page 4
- «All the diamonds in the world are nothing in comparasion. Books are more precious than jewels. (...) What did a diamond bring you? A momentary flash of brilliance. A diamond scintillated for a second; a book could scintillate forever.» - Page 10
- «The worst had happened, the worst thing possible, but it seemed the world was still turning.» - Page 14
- «And if you couldn't keep your own secret, how on earth could you trust someone else to keep it?» - Page 75
- «There's a book for everyone, even if they don't think there is. A book that reaches in and grabs your soul.» - Page 118
- «As far as he was concerned, nature took it course, man interfered from time to time, and what happened, happened. No greater force had any influence.» - Page 139
- «So that was why people read. Because book explained things: how you thought, and how you behaved, and made you realise you were not alone in doing what you did or feelling what you felt.» - Page 259
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